Friday, December 21, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Jan's Quote
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Can a Man and a Woman be just Friends...
It is a subject, a question, that often comes up in conversation: Can a man and a woman really be "just friends?" Before you answer this in your own mind, be reminded that there is a significant qualifier here: "just." As in "only" friends. No sex, no lust, no passion, no secret dreams and desires: just friends.
Friendships come in all sizes, shapes and complexities, but nothing confuses this important life relationship as much as sex. A man and woman can indeed be just friends, but friends don't (or shouldn't) express themselves through sex. Simplify your life by learning to separate the two.
I believe that as you grow more as a person (mainly spiritually) you learn that the most important thing in life is compassion and love... we're not animals... we are no longer controlled by our hormones... although they still make life very hard!
Would a Gemini Male and a Cancer Female be able to be soul mates ...
When Gemini and Cancer come together in a love affair, it may be a rather curious relationship. Sensitive, emotional Cancer has trouble communicating clearly, but clear communication is what defines Gemini. Gemini's chivalrous nature and silver tongue may encourage the Crab to come out of its shell more quickly than usual; Cancer, in turn, can teach Gemini to slow down and appreciate the world, which the frenetic Twins hardly ever take time to do. If Gemini seems to ignore Cancer or doesn't provide them with as much reassurance and intimacy as Cancer needs, trouble may ensue. These two Signs approach the world in such different manners that they must be able to understand and accept one another's differences.
Cancer is the Sign of home and hearth, while Gemini is the thinker. Gemini can easily slip into the role of Cancer's knight in shining armor; Cancer returns that favor with their characteristic urge to protect the ones they love. Quality of home life is important to Cancer, and Gemini will be spoiled by their Cancer lover's hearty home cooking, soft bed and other creature comforts. Cancer is strongly intuitive and maintains an almost psychic connection with their loved ones, but can tend toward possessiveness and idealization of their Gemini partner. If Gemini just reassures Cancer that they're loved and cherished, all will go smoothly.
Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury (Communication) and Cancer is ruled by the Moon (Emotions). Cancer tends to keep their emotions bottled up inside as they have trouble expressing themselves. They envy Geminis their gift of open, clear communication afforded by the influence of Mercury. Gemini, in turn, can benefit from Cancer's intuitive approach, so different from Gemini's bubbly, surface nature; Cancer can teach Gemini to slow down and appreciate life instead of passing by the good things in their rush to get to the next new thing.
Gemini is an Air Sign and Cancer is a Water Sign. If these two Signs can work together they can be a great team; after all, the best decisions are made by incorporating the emotions and the intellect. The trouble for these two lies in learning to cooperate. They come from such opposite points of view that at times it can seem as if they simply have nothing in common. Deep, emotional Cancer can also sometimes dampen Gemini's airy enthusiasm, and light, fast-paced Gemini can leave Cancer feeling ruffled, even tattered. Balance can be achieved if they learn to talk openly with one another.
Gemini is a Mutable Sign and Cancer is a Cardinal Signs. Gemini is flexible, willing to go with the flow and follow another's lead; Cancer is an initiator and likes to provide that lead. Gemini may try to lead by being brave, even confrontational; for it to run smoothly between these two, they both need to learn when to back down and let the other lead the way.
What's the best aspect of the Gemini-Cancer relationship? Once they realize they're allies, they can soar to great heights together. Gemini is always thinking ahead and Cancer is quietly supporting these ideas behind the scenes. Each partner's ability to provide what the other is lacking makes theirs a fulfilling relationship.
What comes after a "Goodbye"...
I've been always wondering why people have to leave one day... I would find this world much nicer if a word "Goodbye" wouldn't even exist. For me it's always hard when I reach the end of a relationship, end of the road or when time simply runns out. I ask myself this scary question. "What comes next? Will it be good or will it be bad?" When a person you love leaves, his/her smell still stays on your sheets, it covers your pillow, you still remember where was he/she sitting, how did he/she look like, like it's still here but you know it's not and you simply know he/she is never coming back again and memories hurt the most... You don't need photos to keep your memories alive, you just need your head. That's what Jure always says and it's true. With taking photos we just create an illusion that the person will always be there, it will stay where he/she is, even though we clearly know it will not. This is just a postponed "Goodbye", this way we save some time to face the truth. And when we do, it's no going back. We feel like we died but still breathing, like the world still stands the way it did yesterday with only one change; we're not in it. We're floating on it without a purpose and with no meaning, we are just there. I think that we can never fully recover from the loss even if we try. We can forget or cover our anger, fear and sadness but it always keep coming back. Like a shadow you can't get rid off.