Saturday, October 4, 2008


You can tell by the way he walks, talks like he rules the world, you can see in his eyes that he's still my boy. I knew it all this time, but I didn't want to know it, I wanted to convince myself that I'm wrong but I guess intuition is stronger than every word.

Actually, there's two of them, always fighting for attention. But that day there was only one, the other one stayed home or maybe he was there all the time… I could feel »them« both, I never wanted just one of them. They are »it« together. I think the other one has that goofy smile… »They« can surprise you in every moment, of course surprises can be good and bad. Once »they« enjoy your company, »they« are madly into you and another day »they« don't even wan't to know you. That's what it seems on the outside. Inside I know that »they« are always with me in »their« thoughts, so there's no need to worry. It can occur that »they« will call you late that night and tell you that they love you or just simply miss you. That's the nicest thing »they« do together…

With »them« all you need is patience, a lot of it. With questions and complaints, you just push them away. »Their« feeling changes from hour to hour. Mood swings are very often so you must always be prepared. »They« will come to you when they will want to or they will give themselves time. You just need to let it. »They« always do the right thing, but not that moment, a lot later… But it's done right!