Friday, May 9, 2008

A Shell and a Hippopotamus...

Some people realize that They love someone when it's to late, when the loved person is already gone… And some know it all along, every day. And when the person is gone, they
just get this strange feeling of emptiness, they simply want the person back…

I think people just disapear, they are there, we can see them, but they have changed. There is nothing about them anymore to make them »they« before our eyes. Just an empty shell. We put all of our energy in finding that person again but we are just getting further and further away from it. We start to feel hate from the persons side, we can't prove it but everytime we see Them, it's chilly. It's cold, it's not that what it was… Than we hide in our shell and wait for better days. In the meantime they tell us that they don't like our astrological sign, because we are out and when something goes wrong we are safely in again. Well it's nice to have the place to hide... And They have the skin of a hippo, which gets thiner every day, layer by layer or the other way around. You never know it… and never will…

Not just thinking of your self all the time gets you in trouble either, constant planing for everyone to be pleased, trying to please everyone, doesn't get you far either. They will find a person who is fun, not so close, just a coleque, who will agree on everything, using you because he is alone and doesn't have anyone else and who will ruin the »Thing« you have with your »Person« just that he will not look bad and alone. But They don't see that because They are social beings. And We are not so social, we have repressed feelings because We don't want to be sorounded with people all the time…

The worst thing is because they don't express clearly what They want, what's wrong… They just put Us on hold and live their life. The thing is that nothing or everything is wrong by Them. Constant trying to please Them and constant feeling that we will make something wrong is just not enough for Them. But They on the other hand can do whatever they want, expecting We to aprove it and just nod.

Patience solves it all, with some that means a lot of nerves, no ability to eat, sleep or do anything and with some that means leaving your life like before just with less phone calls from They, more fun, just Them, not thinking about it, working as a machine, no feelings, They can sleep in any condition, eat as well, even easier. For Them the »Thing« doesn't change everything.